27 March 2020

Patsy Clark 1890s Pt 4.2 of Many

Patsy Clark, Part 4.2 1890s 

Not Mining


May 1890

Patsy Clark may enter Idaho politics

Patsy Clark 1890 ready for Idaho Politics
(Spokane Falls Review, Spokane Washington, 1890)

Patsy Clark is intelligent enough and financially well off enough to enter politics in the event Idaho becomes a state.  Question, though.  His place of residence is Washington, would this be possible?

Kirtland K. Cutter 1890 adverticement
(Spokane Falls Review, Spokane Washington, 1890)

Both Patsy Clark and his architect Kirtland Cutter traveled around the world looking for just the right stuff, the right inspiration and furnishings (Clouse, 2019), (Boggs, 2004).  Cutter was well known at the time as Spokane's most prolific 19th century architect (Patsy Clark Mansion, n.d.), (City of Spokane, 2005).  Please note his name is KIRTland, not KIRKland as I'd always seen it.

Patsy Clark 1890 to be appointed Head of Bank of Wallace
(Spokane Falls Review, Spokane Wahsington 1890)

Apparently, the former head of the Bank of Wallace Idaho had failed in some way, causing his dismissal and replacement by Porter.  But some people are not happy with this state of affairs, and want to have Patsy Clark appointed as the head of the bank.  This article doesn't mention if this actually happened, nor if Patsy was willing to do this.


Spokane City Directory, Business Section

Patrick Clark 1897 39-42 Ziegler Block
1897 Spokane city directory

22 May 1897

Patsy Clark 1897 donated medal to Gonzaga
The Semi-Weekly Spokesman Review, 1897

Patsy Clark 1897 donates medals to Gonzaga ... the seniors are at work upon the competitive prize assays which will be read on the evening of May 29.  Medals for this last event have been contributed by ... Patsy Clark (we also see the name of B.C. Kingsbury, which we've seen before).  Mr. Clark gave a gold medal for the best examination in mathematics.  Mr. Kingsbury gave a gold medal for the best examiniation in grammar ... another fine gold medal was given to the senior division for deportment and application.  As yet a medal for the elocutionary contest has not been donated.

7 September 1897

Clark children get a pony

Patsy Clark's children presented with Shetland Pony
The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review, 1897

Patsy Clark's children presented with Shetland pony
In addition to all these horses there was the tiniest bit of horse flesh imagniable in the person of a Sheltand pony that Mr. Frazier undertook to bring through for H.L. Frank of Butte as a present to the children of Patsy Clark.
This was a tiny little thing in the middle of a box car of larger race horses.  I imagine it was a comical relief

12 November 1897

Clark's Home

Patsy Clark 1897 will build mansion
Spokane Chronicle, 1897

Patrick Clark, the well known and wealthy mining man has decided to erect a mansion that will easily eclipse in architectural beauty any other residences in the city, and perhaps in the northwest.  It will be guilt on the 150 feet square of ground occupied by the present Clark residence on Second avenue, opposite Coeur d'Alene park.  Mr. Cutter, of the firm of Cutter & Malmgren, architects for Mr. Clark, when asked for particulars of the proposed ansion said:
"We have only just started in on the plans for Mr. Clark's residence, and until the work has progressed further it will be impossible to give any of the detials as to the style of architecture, as they must first be submitted to Mr. Clark.  I can tell you beforehand, however, that it will be the finest residence in the city, and would be a credit to any city in America.  It will be contstructed entirely of sandstone, quarried from the Tenino quarries on the coast.  This stone is of a brownish colour, much finer than granite, and will permit of detail work.  It is also very durable.  At a rough guess, I should say the house, when completed, will cost $30,000.  It will be two stories and a half high."


2 June 1898

Brother Denis Clark gets married

Marriage license from
Venango Pennsylvania

This states at the top that this is a copy of the application.  They are both old enough to not need a guardian, this is the first time they are married, and Denis is a miner (no surprise there, huh?).    They were married at St Patrick's Church in Franklin PA.  

And we don't get bonus points, because there are no signatures.

29 October 1898

1898 Patsy Clark goes to Rossland with Elks
The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review, 1898

Patsy Clark Goes to Rossland with Elks -- The Spokane Elks to go on a field trip to visit with Rossland Canada Elks, using a special train just for them, supplied with Lithia water and cigars.  Music supplied by a Washington State Band, and it looks like a lot of partying going on that Sunday night.

(Attic Paper, 2010-2014)
I imagine this is exactly how Clark
and the other Elks members looked

Lithia Water has -- as you might expect -- lithium in it.  Between 1880s and 1914, consumption was very popular, but only one natural source was bottled.  the others used lithium bicarb and called it good.  This was before regulations.  Interesting little factoid -- both Coca-Cola and 7-up formulations started with lithium water.

13 December 1898

December 1898
Patsy Clark begins his mansion on Second
Brother James working on his Mansion on Third
Spokane Chronicle, 1898

Brother James building Mansion on Third -- So, while Patsy Clark is starting on his mansion on Second Avenue, his brother James Clark is almost done with his smaller mansion on Third Avenue.

1900 Clip Art Concord NH Directory, meat

Intellectual Interlude

Perhaps we should find out what a "Mansion" really is.  

According to one online dictionary, the word means simply a large imposing residence or a house owned by a wealthy individual (Merriam-Webster Inc, 2019).  

Today, realtors call a house of between 5,000 and 8,000 square feet of floor space a mansion, although there is not really a consensus (Reference Staff, 2019).  "Until the twentieth century, European mansions contained ball rooms, billiard rooms, several salons, breakfast rooms, dining rooms, playrooms, music rooms and tens of bedrooms, but were often short on bathrooms.  Modern mansions are, simply, big houses -- with whatever amenities the builder desires" (Cheever, 2012).  

The term is subjective, with some buyers thinking anything less than 20,000 square feet as NOT a mansion.  It is generally thought that, in addition to a lot of bedrooms and bathrooms, a TRUE mansion (dah-ling) includes Entertainment facilities (game rooms, bars, pools); Leisure space (greenhouses, libraries, large spa facilities, home theaters, gyms, high-tech media and/or safe rooms); Lavish grounds (Zen gardens, sports facilities, water features, motor courts, extensive garages, fire pits, hiking trails, guesthouses); Superlative building materials and finishes (finest woods and most luxurious stonework and fabrics, all customized, of course; top-end applieances, smart home features, elaborate security systems)  There is neither a legal dictionary definition nor a checklist of characteristics that defines what a mansion is (Mandell, 2019).

As we will find out when we look closer at the mansion itself, it fits most every part of the list.

1900 Clip Art Concord NH Directory, horse detail


3 March 1899

Patsy Clark is nominated for a monument

Patsy Clark is proposed for Monument
The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review, 1899

Proposed for Monument -- A sketch is submitted depicting a view of Spokane and a couple of mining scenes, flanked on one side by Patsy Clark, and a prospector on the other side.

6 March 1899

New York's Idea of Patsey Clark

New York's Idea of Patsy Clark
Spokane Chronicle, 1899

New York's Idea of Patsey Clark  -- This article references one from New York, in which it says he earned $3.50 per day hammering a drill in Marcus Daly's copper mines six years ago (1892), and is now worth more than $4,000,000.  He is only 45 years old.  That is a phenominal increase in wealth, and would be called, by all the Old Money, as Noveau Riche (said with a disdainful sniff).

Can you imagine this one on the heels of the one above only three days earlier?  It almost looks like the Spokane Chronicle had to have a similar article about him.

10 April 1899

The Clark children attend a party

Patsy Clark's Children at a Party
The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review, 1899

Children at Party -- Don't know who the Roberts' were, but there was a smashing Jelly party and cake walk for the kids, there.  The children included John Clark, Patsy Clark Jr, James Clark Jr.  I would suppose the parents of the kids were there, as well, but this was a different era.  Kids behaved themselves, and did not need helicopter parents.

6 July 1899

Mansion progressing rapidly

Patsy Clark's Mansion is progressing rapidly
Spokane Chronicle, 1899

Mansion Progressing Rapidly -- At this point in time, July 1899, we find that the mansion is coming along nicely, and should be completed in the fall.

21 July 1899

Patsy Clark helped bring prosperity to Spokane

Patsy Clark Helped Bring Prosperity to Spokane
Spokane Chronicle, 1899

Helped Bring Prosperity to Spokane -- Patsy is considered first and foremost of this growth with his "enterprise and grit and pluck."   Apparently, in appreciation to the financial ties between Butte Montana and Spokane, there will be a Montana Day at the exhibition in October [what exhibition?] to show this appreciation.

If you know what this exhibition was, let me know.  Use the contact form on the right.

27 August 1899

Brother James Clark becomes rich in only three years.

Patsy Clark's Brother James is Rich in Three Years
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1899

Brother James Rich in Three Years -- James, Patsy's brother with whom he immigrated, has become quite rich in just three years.

28 August 1899

Patsy Clark on Purple Day
The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review, 1899

Purple Day -- Apparently, this celebration is something to do with the Elks Lodge.  Patsy was key in collecting $1600 cash in 15 minutes.  He was on the Finance committe.  Outside Lodges were to come to Spokane for the day, including Canada, Republic, Northport, Colville, Oregon, Idaho.  Okay, it looks like Patsy Clark also made a "brief and enthusiastic" speech along with some other men.  To prepare, every Wednesday evening, every committeeman and any other Elk who can attend are to meet at the Elks' Hall.  Sounds like a huge event!  Wish I knew more about it.

I did a little more searching.  I saw Elks members wearing a lot of purple.  I see a purple pig somewhere.  If you know what Purple Day signifies, let me know using the form on your right.

26 December 1899

Clark's daughter is in a fire!

Was Patsy Clark's Daughter Boarding at this School?
Spokane Chronicle, 1899

Was his daughter boarding -- This article says that nine girls were at an old Convent in Washington DC when it went up in flames.  All the girls from Spokane got out "all right.  Spokane girls always do, when there's half a chance."  It names Mrs. P. Clark, who could be Mary Stack Clark, wife of Patrick Clark.  Which daughter was there?  Okay, read to the end.  
"It is possible that Miss Clark [only one daughter] ... [was] not at the building at the time it burned, as ... Mrs Clark were planning to spend Christmas in New York City."
There were no cell phones.  Those girls had to send telegrams and letters to their parents clear across the country.  Talk about sitting on pins and needles!

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Attic Paper. (2010-2014). 1897 Londonderry Lithia Water Ad ~ Club Men. Retrieved January 2020, from Attic Paper sales: https://www.atticpaper.com/proddetail.php?prod=1897-londonderry-lithia-water-ad-club-men

Boggs, A. (2004, July 15). Patsy Clark's looks like a million. Retrieved December 13, 2019, from SpokesmanReview.com: https://web.archive.org/web/20071029212221/http://www.spokesmanreview.com/tools/story_pf.asp?ID=15707

City of Spokane. (2005, December 2). Patsy Clark Mansion. Retrieved December 13, 2019, from Historic Preservation Department: https://web.archive.org/web/20060709175611/http://www.historicspokane.org/SpokaneRegister/patsyclark.htm

Clouse, T. (2019, November 24). Patsy Clark mansion for sale – to the right buyer. Retrieved December 13, 2019, from The Spokesman-Review: https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2019/nov/24/patsy-clark-mansion-for-sale-to-the-right-buyer/

Patsy Clark Mansion. (n.d.). Patsy Clark Mansion. Retrieved December 13, 2019, from Patsy Clark Mansion: https://www.patsyclarks.com/

Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington. (1899, November 1). Patsy Clark, Miller River District. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from Newspapers.com

Spokane Chronicle. (1897, November 12). Patsy Clark 1897 November to build mansion. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com

Spokane Chronicle. (1898, December 13). Patsy Clark 1898 Building Home, Brother James Building Mansion on Third. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com

Spokane Chronicle. (1899, March 6). New York's Idea of Patsey Clark. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com

Spokane Chronicle. (1899, July 6). 1899 Patsy Clark Mansion Progressing Rapidly. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com

Spokane Chronicle. (1899, July 21). Patsy Clark 1899 Helped Bring Prosperity to Spokane. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com

Spokane Chronicle. (1899, December 26). Patsy Clark 1899 Was His Daughter Boarding at this School. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com

Spokane Falls Review, Spokane Washington. (1890, August 15). Kirtland K. Cutter 1890 advertisement. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 17, 2019, from Newspapers.com

Spokane Falls Review, Spokane Washington. (1890, May 18). Patsy Clark 1890 ready for Idaho Politics. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 17, 2019, from Newspapers.com

Spokane Falls Review, Spokane Washington. (1890, December 30). Patsy Clark 1890 to be appointed Head of Bank of Wallace. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 17, 2019, from Newspapers.com

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer. (1899, August 27). Patsy Clark's Brother James Rich in Three Years. Seattle, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com

The Semi-Weekly Spokesman Review. (1897, May 22). Patsy Clark 1897 donates medal to Gonzaga. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com

The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review. (1897, September 7). Patsy Clark's children presented with Shetland pony. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com

The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review. (1898, October 29). Patsy Clark 1898 Goes to Rossland with Elks. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com

The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review. (1899, March 3). Patsy Clark Proposed for Monument. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com

The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review. (1899, April 10). Patsy Clark Children at Party. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com

The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review. (1899, August 28). Purple Day. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com


13 March 2020

Patsy Clark 1890s Mining, Part 4.1 of Many

Patsy Clark, Part 4.1 1890s 

The Mining Edition

This is what I have gleaned about Patsy Clark's Mining operations in the 1890s.  There are a lot of articles to delve into.  I probably won't go into them very deeply, but they serve to highlight the kind of business man he was, and how his peers respected him.  This section is a tad bit boring, but it is the foundation of the rest of the posts.


Spokane City Directory

Patsy Clark, President Opher gold Mining Company
1604 West 2nd Ave, Spokane
1890 Spokane City Directory

Patrick F. Clark is President of Opher Gold Mining Company, 1604 West 2nd Avenue

1900 Clip Art Concord NH Directory page 463 house


War Eagle mine pronounced richest in the west
The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington, 1915


Patsy Clark opened up the Republic Mine in Ferry County, Washington (Alexander & Weiser-Alexander, 2010).


13 January 1898

SnowShoe Mine abandoned
Spokane Chronicle, 1898

Snowshoe Mine Abandoned -- Patsy Clark apparently bonded this mine, but I think this says he didn't renew it?  This mine is in British Columbia, Canada


18 January 1899

Mining Boom in Spokane
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1899
Mining Boom in Spokane
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1899

Mining Boom at Spokane -- Some would call it a boom, but those in Spokane don't.  Market prices are going up simply because of active development of the Republic mine itself.  
"Thus the fortunes of men go in a mining country.  The greatest amount of money has been made at Spokane by buying the first issue of treasury stocks of mines well located, whenever the development was undertaken by good people"  Several mines are listed, all of which sold at less than 5 cents a few weeks ago, but are now selling at 15 to 45 cents.  Quite a jump.  

21 February 1899

Republic is the Greatest Gold Camp in Washington
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1899

Greatest Gold Camp -- this article is a poor image from newspapers.com and I find it hard to read the small print.  Patsy Clark's name is in there somewhere.  

9 March 1899

Patrick Clark sells the Republic Mine
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1899
1899 Sells the Republic Mine in Washington -- The Republic Mine is famous by now, and Clark will sell it to a Toronto syndicate for $4,000,000.  The sale causes stock to increase to $3.25.  Amazing for a mine only two years old.

16 May 1899

Patsy Clark organizes a new corporation
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1899

Organize a New Corporation -- Clark and his brother organize in order to take over thre mines in the Republic area.  They will improve the mine with $3,500,000.

21 August 1899

No Stock for Sale
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1899

No stock for sale -- The Palmer Mountain mine has become so productive that the stock has all been bought up and none can be found for sale.  I think that is a good thing?

1 November 1899

Patsy Clark in the Miller River District
(Spokane Chromicle, Spokane Washington, 1899)

Patrick Clark has secured Interest in the Miller River District.  Because of his interest in the Cleopatra mine, it seems other miners are paying close attention.  The Miller River empties into the Skykomish river, and there are a lot of mining claims along the river.  The Cleopatra mine itself has 2600 feet of tunnels, shafts and other development, so they can mine out the Silver and Copper ores.  

28 October 1899

Clark's Metallurgist, Mike Sullivan Joke
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1899

Mike Sullivan joke -- I guess you had to be there.


September 1890

Patsy Clark 1890 Cabinet and Heron claims
(The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington, 1890)

Patsy Clark, along with George Irving, have bonded the Cabinet and Heron claims in Idaho north of Bonner's Ferry.  As far as I can determine, this means that they have invested $60,000 into the mine, which will allow for development.

August 1890

Patsy Clark 1890 manager of Poorman
(Spokane Falls Review, Spokane Washington, 1890)

What this article shows us is that in 1890 he was manager of the Poorman mine on Canyon Creek, and that this mine was famous in it's own right for some reason.


3 December 1894

Patsy Clark became owner of the War Eagle (The Semi-Weekly Spokesman Review, 1897).


March 1897

James Clark 1897 mine
The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review, 1897

This article is from Chewelah Washington.  The Stanley is a ledge that is the biggest in the Northwest.  James Clark is brother of Patsy, and says it is a whole mountain of ore.  There was too much snow to be sure, but it looks as if it can be mined without much tunneling, at least at first.  There is enough water, good road access of about 14 miles.  

21 January 1897

Patsy Clark 1897 War Eagle is Sold
The Semi-Weekly Spokesman Review, 1897

Patsy Clark 1897 War Eagle Sold
This article we find that Patrick Clark is President of the War Eagle.  The shares were sold after a "tempestuous" discussion.  It almost looks as if he bought and sold the War Eagle mine several times.

17 February 1897

Patsy Clark 1897 Interview about War Eagle mine sale
The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review, 1897

Patsy Clark 1897 sells War Eagle Mine
In this article, Patrick Clark is described as "a celebrated mining man" on his first visit to Toronto.  He is President and general manager of the Spokane company who sold the War Eagle mine.  This is the first time ever that Clark provided an interview.  He gives an accounting as thus.  The War Eagle Company of Spokane became owners 3 December 1894, at which time the mine was considered a failure.  He says British Columbia is one of the best mining areas, with Rossland's prospects first class.  

22 August 1897

Patsy Clark 1897 in Butte, to go to Marysville Montana
The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review, 1897

Patsy Clark is in Butte Montana.  B.C. Kingsbury will join him, and together they will go to Marysville Montana to inspect the chlorination process used on the Drum Lummon mine.  They are doing this to make sure it will produce before they place expensive machinery.

29 April 1897

Patsy Clark 1897 emplys about 40 men
The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review, 1897

Patsy Clark employs about 40 men
Eureka Camp gets glowing account of the work and the bright future.  Patsy Clark is called a "moving spirit" and is one of the principal owners.  His three properties -- The Republic Mine, the Lone Pine Mine and the Nob Hill Mine -- houses about 40 men and a large boarding house for even more workers.

16 October 1897

Patsy Clark bonded to Snowshoe Mine
The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review, 1897

Snowshoe Mine Bonded
Greenwood, B.C. -- Patsy Clark has bonded the Snowshoe claim, Greenwood camp, under a bond which calls for continuous work, commencing within 10 days.  The amount of the bond is $50,000, payable one-third in six months and the balance in equal instalments at nine and 12 months from date.  The Snowshoe has one of the largest surface showings of mineral in the district.  As the main wagon road crosses the claim it is well situated for transportation under present limited conditions.

The deal is regarded as an important one for the district, the fact that Mr. Clark interesting himself here being taken as conclusive evidence that big mine operators are satisfied that Boundary creek will soon come to the front as a mining center.

5 January 1897

War Eagle Mine Sold, Where is Patsy?
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1897

War Eagle Mine Sold -- Trail Creek Bonanza Bought by a Canadian Syndicate
Spokane, Jan. 4 -- Special -- The War Eagle is positively sold.  A meeting of the stockholders will be held about January 20 for the purpose of arranging the details of the sale.  President John A. finch refuses to give the amount, although admitting the sale as a fact.  He acknowledges the purchase by a Toronto and Montreal syndicate.  It is generally understood the property was under bond, which expired Saturday night.

The whereabouts of Secretary Patsy Clark, one of the principal owners, is unknown, but he is supposed to be at Rossland or Toronto.

5 January 1897

Patsy Clark, War Eagle is Sold, part 1
The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review, 1897

Another Article about the sale of the mine
War Eagle is Sold -- Passes to the Gooderham-Blackstock Syndicate of Toronto -- Price said to be $850,000 -- The News Reaches Rossland and Excites General Interest Among the People -- Clark Concluded the Deal
The War Eagle mine at Rossland is sold.  The deal was conlcuded in Toronto yesterday by Patrick Clark, and the property passes into the hands of the Gooderham-Blackstock syndicate of Toronto, Ontario.

John A. Finch, vice-president of the company, last night confirmed the report that the syndicate headed by George Gooderham, the millionaire distiller of Toronto, and T. G. Blackstock of the same place had purchased the property.  He declined to make public the price paid for the property, but mining men here believe that the considerationis $850,000.

Asked as to what would be the procedure in turning the mine over to the new owners, he said: "It will be some time before the new owners will be able to take hold.  We will have a meeting of the stockholders and of the directors.  The stockholders' meeting will be called for about the 20th of this month.  The terms of the sale were secret, and I can not give them to you."

Patrick Clark, president of the company, left with his family two weeks ago for New York.  It is believed here that he went from New York to Toronto and completed the negotiations for the sale.

Patsy Clark, War Eagle is Sold, part 1
History of the Mine
The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review, 1897
History of the Mine
The War Eagle is one of the best-known properties in the Trail creek district, and it is to this mine and its enterprising owners that much of the present prosperity of the camp of Rossland is directly due.  Shortly after the property passed into the hands of the present company, a dividend was declared, and the first genuine excitement in the district followed.  From that time on until the present the excitement has increased, until now there are over 300 claims recorded in the district.  Machinery to the value of three-quarters of a million dollars has been installed, and an enourmous amount of development has been done.

Up to the present time the War Eagle has paid $187,500 in dividents, and has large reserves of ore in sight.

The history of the mine is an interesting one.  It was located in 1889 by Joe Morris and Joe Bourgeoise, and passed through all of the ups and downs, mostly downs, to the discouragement of the owners before passing into the hands of the present company, in 1894.  Systematic development was commenced the same year, and in the summer of 1895 the first dividend, of $37500, was declared.  In the following winter the mines known as the War Eagle properties -- The War Eagle, Iron Mask, Poorman and Virginia -- were segregated, owing to the difference in ownership, although many of the stockholders were interested in all of the companies.

The officers of the company are:  President, Patrick Clark; vice president, John A. Finch; treasurer, Austin Corbin; secretary, F.E. Lucas.  The trustees are Patrick Clark, John A. Finch, A.B. Campbell, Austin Corbin, B.C. Kingsbury, W.J. Wakefield of Spokane, and H.L. Frank of Butte, Montana.

At the annual meeting of the company, on May 18 last, an option was given to D.C. Corbin, president of the Spokane Falls & Northern railway, for London interests.  The price was then $2 a share for the War Eagle and $1 a share for the Iron Mask, or $1,500,000 for both properties.  Previous to this time Mr. Corbin had an option for $1 per share, or $800,000 for the War Eagle.  This option expired on April 1 of last year.  The failure of the London people to take the property, after having been granted several extensions, is well known.  Immediately afterward the Gorderhams opened negotiations, and it was thought, as the time had expired on December 21, the last would not go through, but negotiations were again opened and the sale consumated.

The mine is capitalized for $500,000.

Patsy Clark, War Eagle is Sold, part 1
The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review, 1897

Intese Interest at Rossland.
The General Impression is that the Price Was $850,000.
Rossland, B.C., Jan. 4. -- Excitement is running high over the sale of the War Eagle mine to the Gooderham syndicate of Toronto, which is considered as a certainty here tonight.  Groups of mining men are seen in hotel lobbies and brokers' offices talking of the sale.  The price paid for the three is reported at a million and a half.  It is not generally believed here that the Iron Mask and Virginia are included, and the general impression so tat price is $850,000 for the War Eagle alone.  

It is learned tonight from an authentic sourse [sic] that $100,000 was put up 10 days ago for an option on the War Eagle alone.

Mr. Galusha, of the Jumbo mine, was seen tonight, and said:  "I have authentic information, and regard the mine as sold, but do not think the Iron Mask or Virginia are included in the deal.  The price is prbably $850,000.  The sale is a good thing for Rossland, as the men who sold the War Eagle are mining men, and will put the money into other mines here."

None of the officers of the company can be found here.

Also Owns the Crown Point.
Rossland, B.C., Jan. 4. -- The following sepcial [sic] from Toronto was received here this evening, relative to the sale of the War Eagle to the Gooderham syndicate of Toronto was received here this evening, relative to the sale of the War Eagle to the Gooderham syndicate of Toronto.  This syndicate also owns the Crown Point group here:  "Patsy Clark today concluded with the Gooderham syndicate negotioantions for the sale of the War Eagle mine.  The price agreed upon is reported here as $1,000,000.  This is said to include the Iron Mask mine.  Patsy Clark has been in the city for a number of days, ingaged in bringing the negotiations to a close."

At this hour nothing further concerning the reported sale can be learned.  There are none of the members of the War Eagle Company here.  Jim Clark, superintendent of the mine, can not be seen tonight.

4 January 1897

Patsy Clark and John A. Finch
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1897

Mines and Mining.
The Northport Smelting Company Will Expend $100,000 in Erecting Necessary Buildings

The organization of the new company which will shortly commence the erection of a smelter at Northport, says the Spokesman-Review, has just been completed in the form of a stock corporation, incorporated under the laws of the state of Washington, and will be known as the Union Smelting and Refining Company.  The capital stock will comprise 40,000 shares of a par value of $5.

The object of the company is the smelting of the ores of Rossland, Trail creek and the Kootenay, and such ores as may be developed within a radius of sixty miles.

Among the organizers are John A. Finch and Patsy Clark, of the War Eagle, and Messrs. Loring of the Josie, Williamson of the Crown Point and other prominent mine owners of the Kootenay, Rossland, Trail and Slocan districts, all of whom have been brought together by E.H. Wedekind, the organizer and promoter of the company.

Clock Detail from newspaper ad
(The New North-West, Deer Lodge Montana, 1878)

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Alexander, D., & Weiser-Alexander, K. (2010, December). Patsy Clark, Mining Magnate & the Haunted Clark Mansion. Retrieved December 13, 2019, from Legends of America: https://www.legendsofamerica.com/wa-patsyclark/

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