10 April 2020

Patsy Clark 1900-1904, Part 5.2 of many

Part 5 1900-1904

Not Mining

This one is a long one, so peruse what you want to.  I pulled out the weddings of his daughter and his son, and the death of his brother into separate posts.  I also divided this decade into half-decade, covering from 1900 to 1904.  I have to admit, I like doing the non-mining edition so much better!  

Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral
The Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes. (n.d.). Cathedral History
Retrieved January 27, 2020, from About the Cathedral: 


Patsy and his wife became well known for their "quiet philanthropy."  He tended to give to charity with minimal fanfare, in a way that only a few select people knew about the donations.  His gifts to the Catholic church helped to fund the construction of Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral in 1900.  He also donated the main altar, the baptismal font, the white marble communion rail, and two "glorious stained glass windows" (Richards, 2018).

Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral
The Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes. (n.d.). Cathedral History
Retrieved January 27, 2020, from About the Cathedral: 

Intellectual Interlude


In August of 1881, Jesuit Father Joseph Cataldo converted a carpenter's shop into the Church of St. Joseph, the first Catholic church in the Spokane Township. Only five people attended the first Mass in that wooden shed which measured just fifteen by twenty-two feet.
By 1886, just five years later, a large brick church dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes replaced the original structure .... 
The cornerstone for the present church was laid in 1903.  
In 1913, Our Lady of Lourdes became the Cathedral for the newly created Diocese of Spokane.
The Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes has witnessed season after season of changes as an inner city parish. Its family of believers has experienced many phases throughout the years: the hardships of pioneer life, affluence in exclusive turn-of-the-century "Browne's Addition"; gradual demographic transition as the city sprawled outward; an influx of young and mobile military families; and a poor and aging inner city population with its complex problems.
From carpenter shop to Cathedral -- the parable lives! (The Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes, n.d.)

Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral
The Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes. (n.d.). Cathedral History
Retrieved January 27, 2020, from About the Cathedral: 

From Wikipedia

The interior was most recently renovated in 2019 when the sanctuary was covered in marble and a new marble altar and pews were installed. The new marble altar was a gift of Tim and Sherry Murphy in memory of their families. The old high altar, topped by a Calvary scene, remains in the apse. It was a gift of the Patsy Clarke family of Spokane. The stunning stained glass windows are from Bavaria.  (Wikipedia -- Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes (Spokane WA), 2019).

The address is 1115 West Riverside Avenue, Spokane WA

The New North-West, Deer Lodge Montana. (1878, July 19).
Clip art wagons clock horses. Retrieved January 2020, from Newspapers.com

15 January 1900

Treasurer for Catholic Clubs

Patsy Clark is Treasurer for Catholic Clubs
Spokane Chronicle, 1900

Patsy Clark is treasurer in charge of building the new Catholic Church, along with Charles Sweeny (with whom he has a lawsuit, see the mining section).

21 February 1900

Patsy Clark to spend the winter in the Waldorf Astoria
The Buffalo Review, 1900

Winter at the Waldorf Astoria 
Patrick Clark, or "Patsy," as he still likes to be called, who has been spending most of the winter at the Waldorf-Astoria, is one of the mining kings of Spokane, says the New York Commericial.  He is said to be worth close to $2,000,000.  Fifteen years ago Clark went to Montana from Utah to work for Marcus Daly, now the copper magnate of the Amalgamated trust.
Daly was superintendent of the Alice mine.  Clark worked for him as mine boss, and occasionally pounded a drill himself.  As Daly advanced, Clark followed, and finally got ahead of the game enough to mix in with the Coeur-d'Alene excitement in Idaho, and there in the Poorman mine, made his first big stake.  Then he got hold of the War Eagle prospect in British Columbia, transformed it into a dividend payer and sold it for $500,000.  His biggest stroke was at Republic, Washington, where he acquired the Republic mine, developed it, and sold it to Montreal men for $3,500,000.
Clark has made many friends during his winter vacation in New York.

21 February 1900

Patsy Clark and his family are quarantined

Patsy Clark is in Quarantine
The Anaconda Standard, 1900


Has been confined in the Waldorf-Astoria for Four Weeks.
Patrick Clark, the well-known spokane mining magnate, is quarantined at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel with his family.  H.L. Frank received a letter from Mr. Clark yesterday, in which he told of his troubles.  Katherine, Mr. Clark's daughter, took diphtheria, and the family were obliged to remain in their apartments under the surveillance of the health authorities.  Mr. Clark has now been a prisoner for four weeks, but his daughter is recovering, and he expects to secure his liberty in a short time.

Interesting, isn't it, that this article is from Clark's point of view -- he is the one quarantined, he is a prisoner, he expects his liberty soon.  A short little blip indicating that daughter Katherine is getting better.

23 May 1900

Memorial Day Parade

Memorial Day Parade
Spokane Chronicle, 1900

A Long Procession on Wheels watched by a Great Crowd

There was a great turn-out at the bicycle parade last night.  To L.A. Clark, the manager of the display, must be given most of the credit for the success of the first bicycle parade to be held in Spokane in recent years.  The winners of the first prize, Company H. presented in splendid appearance.  The Spokane Athletic Club members, with their ox cart and their glee club, made one of the fine features of the parade.  Mr. Clark, with his horse, was one of the best characters in line.  One of the most amusing couples was the old broken down  '95 wheel, with a broken chain, being pulled along by a chainless wheel, while the cripple bore the sign:  "I wish I had a chainless."
Those awarded prizes were as follows:  Miss Mamie Ashenfelter, first prize for the most handsomely decorated woman's wheel; W.L. Herel, first prize for decoration of men's wheel; first prize for colored rider, C.H. Johnson, dressed as a devil; Patsy Clark, first prize for children, dressed as an Indian; first prize for best sustained feminine character, Mis Maud T. Bancroft.

Chainless Bikes

Below is one image I found of these chainless bikes.  It looks like it was a drive shaft, probably not very easy to push since the rotation was so small.  I don't know since I've never seen one before I researched it for this blog.

(Stromberger, 2005)

Detail of the drive shaft connected to the wheel
(Stromberger, 2005)
detail of foot pedal at the beginning of the drive shaft
(Stromberger, 2005)
detail of the entire chainless bike
(Stromberger, 2005)

3 November 1900

Preside over Booth in Fair

Mrs. Patsy Clark to preside over a booth
Spokane Chronicle, 1900

Proceeds Will Go to Help St. Joseph's Orphanage.
The Catholic ladies of Spokane are making arrangements for a Catholic fair to be held in this city the last week in November.  The proceeds will be used for the benefit of St. Joseph's orphanage, in this city.
The place for holding the fair has not been definitely decided upon yet, but Omo's old storeroom is mentioned as a good place.  There will be the usual booths presided over by the charming ladies, of whom Spokane can boast so many, and many new and original schemes will be introduced.  There will be articles to raffle and articles to sell.
Four of the parishes in the city will have booths there.  That of Our Lady of Lourdes will be presided over by Mrs. Patsy Clark, that of St. Aloysius by Mrs. John McCabe; Mrs. Harry Baer will preside over that of St. Joseph, and Mrs. Graham will attend to that of the Sacred Heart.  Mrs. Charles Sweeny is president of the association and Mrs. LaBelle vice president.

Interesting, that the Charles Sweeny family is so closely associated, in light of the mining lawsuits that will happen in 1906.

St Joseph Orphanage

Father Joseph Cataldo (of the Catlado Mission in Idaho), came to Spokane and set up an orphanage in the Sinto Addition. This is near the present-day Gonzaga University campus.  The community was fully in support.  The number of children who needed a home started with 6 children in 1891, blooming to 115 children in 1893.  "By 1899, construction began on a new facility, which is the same building as St. Joseph’s Family Center today"  (Russell).

Video from 

The address of the current St. Joseph's Family Center is 1016 N Superior St, Spokane, WA 99202.

There is some really nice information at the Spokane Chronicle online, but in researching the Patsy Clark Mansion, I have exceeded my monthly free limit.  But click here so you can peruse the article yourself


15 April 1901

Patrick Clark is a director of Traders' National Bank

Spokane Chronicle, 1901


Brother James Clark dies of Stomach Cancer, of which he'd been very ill for about 6 months.  We will get back to this in another post.

Spokane City Directory, Business Section

Patrick Clark address, 39-42 Ziegler Block

Please note also Bill Nye, the Mining Guy!

1901 Spokane City Directory

14 August 1901

Patrick Clark's sons try out new guns

The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review, 1901

11 November 1901

Patrick Clark donations to the New Catholic Church

The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review, 1901

Fine Progress Made by Main Avenue Congregation.
A partial list of the cash donations for the building fund of the new Roman Catholic church of Our Lady of Lourdes was read from the pulpit of the Main avenue church yesterday.  It showed that $1960 had been donated.  This is a part of the report of the committee on subscriptions of the fair which will open on November 29.  The advance sale of tickets for the fair and coupons for deciding the ownership of the diamond ring donated by Mrs. Charles Sweeny has been very successful.  The plans for arrangement of booths in the fair location in the Granite block has been made.
The following is the list read from the pulpit yesterday morning:
Mrs. Patrick Clark, $500; Mr. and Mrs. James Cronin, $100; Washington Steam Laundry, $100; Mrs. J.W. Stewart, $100; Mrs. James Monaghan, $100; Dr. P.S. Byrne, $60; Charles Robbins, $50; Dr. J.B. Munley, $50; Dr. J.G. Cunningham, $50; Oriental Tea company, $50; Thomas Ryan, $50; Prue & Smith, $50; R. McCaffery, $50; Dr. C.P. Thomas, $50; J.J. White, $50; H.G. Brown & Co., $50; Holly, Mason, Marks & Co., $50; D.C. Corbin, $50; J.A. Finch, $50; M.M. Cowley, $50.

Mrs. Clark is the hostess who gave the mostest!


Spokane City Directory, Business Section

Patrick Clark, 39-42 Ziegler Block

1902 Spokane City Directory


29 May 1903

Committee Ignored Many

Patsy Clark did not get to meet Mr. Roosevelt
The Spokane Press, 1903

There is a constant buss and murmur of discontent throughout the city at the bungles made by those in charge of the Roosevelt reception and the manner in which the entire celebration was handled.  The wall of complaint includes even the personnell of the committee.

The gist of this lengthy article is that the committee seemed to go out of its way to make a cheap presentation, dissing those who might be the most likely to actually meet and talk with the President ... "with few exceptions, the bankers, the mining magnates, the large contractors, the merchants, the department stores and the big corporations were not given representation."
The committee borrowed Patsy Clark's team to drive the president, but did not ask Mr. Clark to meet Mr. Roosevelt.  Neither did they ask Postmaster Hartson, a personal acquaintance of the president, nor Jim Glover, Spokane's first settler, nor D.C Corbin, who has done more for Spokane than any man in it, while the county government and county officials and the judiciary were completely ignored.

Sounds like conspiracy, to me!


Spokane City Directory, Business section

Patrick Clark 40 Ziegler Block

TJ Clark, 42 Ziegler Block

1903 Spokane City Directory

Spokane City Directory, white pages

Agnes Clark, boards 2308 3d av (daughter of Charlotte)
Charlotte Clark,(Widow of James), res 2308 3d av
Ella Clark, boards 2208 2d av
James Clark, miner, boards E 2808 3d av
Patrick Clark, Mining, 40 Ziegler Block, Tel Main 92, Res 2208 2d Av, Tel Main 11
Patrick W. Clark, student, boards 20018 2d av
Thomas J. Clark, mining 42 Ziegler block, res S224 Howard

Patrick Clark 1903 Patrick
1903 Spokane City Directory

1 January 1903

Clark Party Elegantly Greets 1903

(Connor, 1962)

In this article, Harriet Connor does a little reminiscing.  She writes about the Clark's New Year's Eve party celebrating the new 1903.
The year 1963 will be greeted at parties tonight ....  However it is certain that none of these occasions will keep "decorators and drapers busy all day" as was the case for a party to welcome 1903.
The late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Clark, whose mansion at W2208 Second is now the Francis Lester Inn, and their daughter, Miss Ella Clark (the late Mrs. Harry Richards) gave one of the most splendid events, in area of splendid occasions, of the holidays that year.
The account from the Spokane Daily Chronicle of Dec. 31 reads as follows.
Temple Setting
One of the most elaborately planned dancing parties given this year at the Elks' Temple will be given this evening by Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Clark and their daughter, Miss Ella Clark.
The decorators and drapers have been busy all day arranging everything in readiness for the great event.  The decorations are the most elaborate ever put in the Elks' Temple and the party this evening will truly be one of the eventful ones in the history of Spokane.
... a temporary stage has been erected for the orechestra to occupy.  Potted plants and ferns screen the orchestra from view and the railing around the side is interwoven with holly and evergreen.
Sign Lighted
Just over the stage in electric lights with a silver tinsel background is the sign, "Happy New Year."  The stage, covered with oriental rugs, is a mass of ferns and potted plants and further back little tables are arranged where refreshments will be served.
The chandeliers at the side of the hall are decorated with American flags.  Festoons of holly swing from the sides of the room and gather at two different points in the ceiling from which places are suspended wreaths of red and from which hang streamers of red ribbon.  Ropes of holly are strung across the stage.
Menu Told
F.L. Wilson, the caterer, and his corps of assistants, will have charge of the refreshments and an elaborate luncheon has been prepared consisting of cream chicken in aspic and maynnaise dressing, brown bread sandwiches, peppermint straws, coffee with whipped cream, tutti-frutti creams, assorted cakes and ices.
Punch will be served to the dancers during the course of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Clark, Miss Ella Clark and the Misses Lavell of Portland will receive.
The Misses Lavell mentioned would be -- hmm, I don't really know.  Patsy's son Patrick W. Clark has a wife Sarah Edna Lavell Clark.  So I really don't know what the relationship is, here.  If you know, contact me using the form on the right, or use the message box below.


Passport Application

Passport Application 1904

State of New York
County of New York
I, Patrick Clark, a naturalized and loyal citizen of the United States, do hereby apply to the Department of State at Washington for a passport for myself and wife, and my minor children as follows:  Wife, born at Dubuque Iowa on the 4th day of July 1861 and 3 minor daughters.

This indicates he has three little daughters by this time 1904.  Most histories don't include three girls.  They would have to be the oldest three, right?  If you know more, please contact me using the form on the right.

 Perhaps one of them died after 1904?  We also find that he's born in Belfast, his date of birth.  We also find that he immigrated on the ship City of London, leaving on March 1871, later becoming naturalized in Butte Montana in February 1882.  He plans to travel outside of the US, probably to Canada to talk about the mines there.

Bonus Points for Signature!

Bonus Points for Signature detail!


Age:  53 years
Stature:  5 feet 7 inches, Eng.
Forehead:  High
Eyes:  Gray
Nose:  regular
Mouth:  regular
Chin:  round
Hair:  Dark Brown
Complexion:  Medium
Face:  Oval

The ship City of London information and images I found from www.NorwayHeritage.com  -- go there to get more information.

City of London
(Norway Heritage, 1997-2020)

(Norway Heritage, 1997-2020)

(Norway Heritage, 1997-2020)

Spokane City Directory, business section

Patrick Clark, 42 Ziegler Block
TJ Clark, 42 Ziegler block
Dennis Clark, 42 Ziegler block

1904 Spokane City Directory

Spokane City Directory, white pages

Patrick Clark, Mining 41-42 Ziegler block; Telephone Main 92; home 2208 2d Av
Agnes Clark (stepdaughter) boarding 2208 3d ave
Charlotte Clark (widow of brother James), home 2308 3d av
Ella T. Clark (oldest daughter) boarding 2208 2d av
James Clark (son), student, boarding 2208 2d av
John Clark (son), student, boarding 2208 2d ave
Patrick W. Clark (son), student, boarding 2208 2d av
Thomas Clark (what relationship?), mining 42 Ziegler block, residence 43 Whitten block

1904 Spokane City Directory

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Connor, H. J. (1962, December 31). Clark Mansion 1962 Clark Party Elegantly Greets 1903. Retrieved February 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Norway Heritage. (1997-2020). S/S City of London, Inman Line. doi:www.NorwayHeritage.com

Richards, J. H. (2018, November 4). “The Life and Times of Patsy Clark: Mining Pioneer”. Retrieved December 13, 2019, from Nostalgia: http://www.nostalgiamagazine.net/2018/11/04/the-life-and-times-of-patsy-clark-mining-pioneer/

Russell, J. Y. (n.d.). Sisters of St. Francis, Fairmount Cemetery. Spokane Historical. Spokane, Washington. Retrieved January 2020, from https://spokanehistorical.org/items/show/138

Spokane Chronicle. (1900, January 15). Patsy Clark 1900 Treasurer for Catholic Clubs. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com

Spokane Chronicle. (1900, May 23). Patsy Clark 1900 Memorial Day Parade. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com

Spokane Chronicle. (1900, November 3). Mrs. Patsy Clark 1900 to Preside over Booth in Fair. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 2019, from newspapers.com

Spokane Chronicle. (1901, April 15). Patrick_Clark_1901_director_of_Traders__National_Bank. Spokane, Washington. Retrieved June 2020, from newspapers.com

Stromberger, D. (2005, February 28). 1901 Tribune Model 66 Chainless. Dave's Vintage Bicycles. Retrieved January 2020, from http://www.nostalgic.net/bicycle372

The Anaconda Standard. (1900, February 21). Patsy Clark in Quarantine. Anaconda, Montana, USA. Retrieved December 2019, from newspapers.com

The Buffalo Review. (1900, February 21). Patsy Clark 1900 Spending Winter at the Waldorf Astoria. Buffalo, New York, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com

The Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes. (n.d.). Cathedral History. Retrieved January 27, 2020, from About the Cathedral: https://spokanecathedral.com/about

The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review. (1901, August 14). James Clark 1901, brother John try out new guns. Spokane, Washington. Retrieved January 2020, from Newspapers.com

The Semi-Weekly Spokesman-Review. (1901, November 11). Patrick Clark 1901 donations to new Catholic Church, James Clark. Spokane, Washington. Retrieved January 2020, from newspapers.com

The Spokane Press. (1903, May 29). Patsy Clark 1903 lent team, not meet Mr. Roosevelt. Spokane, Washington, USA. Retrieved December 18, 2019, from newspapers.com

Wikipedia -- Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes (Spokane WA). (2019, November 2). Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes (Spokane, Washington). Retrieved January 27, 2020, from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cathedral_of_Our_Lady_of_Lourdes_(Spokane,_Washington)

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