25 September 2020

Patsy Clark's Restaurant 6.3 (1996-1999

Patsy Clark's Restaurant Part 6.3 1990s (1996-1999)


4 January 1996

When was the last time you had lunch at Patsy Clark's

Patsy Clark's, 1996

This new ownership would be Niles and Seneschall, who bought the mansion in December 1995

8 January 1996

Thanks Spokane

Patsy Clark's, 1996

19 January 1996

Patsy's Early Week Dinner Spectacular, upcoming Wine Tasting Dinner, Cigar Smoker's Dinner

Patsy Clark's, 1996

24 January 1996

Du jour Scroggie cooks his way to the top, with recipe

Staff, Du jour Scroggie cooks his way to the top, with recipe, 1996

This starts at the end, because I couldn't find the beginning of the article.  Scroggie is the head chef at Patsy Clark's.  Here is an entree recipe for chicken.

26 January 1996

Patsy's Early Week Dinner Spectacular -- Upcoming Special Cigar Smoker's Dinner

Patsy Clark's 1996

12 February 1996

Patsy Clark's -- When only a Mansion will do

Patsy Clark's 1996

16 February 1996

Dining Skills presented by Merrily Bjerkestrand

Patsy Clark's 1996

Once more with dining skills for children and teens.  Merrily Bjerkestrand is an etiquette consultant, and will begin sessions in March.  But, space is limited!

Patsy's Early Week Dinner Spectacular, Upcoming Powerhouse Red

Patsy Clark's 1996

25 February 1996

Cigar Sisters are banding together

Clark, Cigar sisters are banding together, 1996
photo by Kristy MacDonald
Clark, Cigar sisters are banding together 1996

I didn't even know this was a thing.  Clark writes that cigar smoking is a hot new trend among women, who are emboldened by such celebrity cigar sisters as Whoopi Goldberg, Demi Moore, Sharon Stone, Lauren Hutton and supermodel Linda Evangelista.
Karyn, pictured above, is one of nine women to attend this posh cigar dinner, held in Patsy Clark's restaurant.
When these gatherings began 2 1/2 years ago, only one brave woman showed up.  She was probably there more in good-natured support of her macho man.
Karyn came to Patsy Clark's to help celebrate the 51st birthday of her dad, Rob, a clinical psychologist.
Appreciating fine cigars is a wonderful politically incorrect craze that continues to confound cross-eyed, anti-smoking zealots
It was only a matter of time before women lit up.  The Coeur d'Alene Resort, for example, recently advertised its first women-only cigar dinner and quickly landed 15 reservations at $65 a head.
The vice president of a national cigar magazine says her national publication was originally geared toward older, very wealthy men.  The sudden interest by women caught the magazine staff off guard.
There may be an intimidation factor about a woman armed with a cigar.

1 March 1996

Lunch at Patsy Clark's -- SouthWest Chicken

Patsy Clark's 1996

3 March 1996

Lunch at Patsy Clark's -- Fresh Broiled Washington Ling Cod

Patsy Clark's 1996

26 April 1996

Cigar Smoker's Dinner

Staff, Cigar Smoker's Dinner, 1996

Amazing how I'd never heard of such a thing before today.  No other advertisements that I'd found.  And yet here is the second one in the newspapers.  Apparently another Cigar Dinner is in the works. 

Now I have a song stuck in my head -- 

26 July 1996

Look for Craven's Coffee at Patsy Clark's

Craven's Coffee, 1996

30 August 1996

Historic Labor Day Weekend at Patsy Clark Mansion

Patsy Clark's, 1996

11 October 1996

Chef Scroggie has left Patsy Clark's

Staff, Chef Scroggie has left Patsy Clark's, 1996

Chef Scroggie now runs the kitchen at Spokane's first Cucina-style cafe.

Time for an Intellectual Interlude 

What's Cucina-style?  I searched, and found the address it used to be at, 707 W. Main in downtown Spokane.  Today, March 2020, it looks like an Apple store flanked by a bank and North Face, and across the street from another bank.   https://www.yelp.com/biz/cucina-cucina-spokane
I also found Cucina! Cucina! chopped salad recipe here -- https://www.food.com/recipe/cucina-cucina-chopped-salad-copycat-318169
I still don't really know what cucina means, but that's all the research I'll do for now.

18 October 1996

When the Occasion Requires a Special Touch

Patsy Clark's, 1996


Not very much happens this year, that I can find in the newspapers.  There is a nursing maxim that says, if it isn't written, it didn't happen.  This seems to be the case, here.  There are a few things I didn't pull out.  Reunions.  Basics of financial planning lecture.  Piano playing schedule at various places including the mansion.

9 March 1997

Katherine Shipley Dixon obituary, great granddaughter of Patsy Clark

Dixon, 1997

This is the obituary for a Great Granddaughter of Patsy Clark.  
Her parents were John and Rhea Richards Shipley
Grandparents were Harry and Ella Clark Richards
Great grandparents Patsy and Mary Stack Clark

Her find a grave memorial is here -- https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/84348148

16 April 1997

Patsy Clark's Brunch for Mother's Day

Staff, Patsy Clark's Brunch for Mother's Day, 1997

Some ideas to help you celebrate Mother's Day.  Including Brunch at Patsy Clark's

17 September 1997

At home at the Clark House

Kelly & Tinsley, At home at the Clark House, 1997
Kelly & Tinsley, At home at the Clark House, 1997

Chef Everett Fees was once the Executive Chef at Patsy Clark's, now running the kitchen at The Clark House in Hayden Idaho.  Recipe included.  
At first, I was very confused.  The Clark House in Idaho is owned by another mining man who is not related to Patsy Clark.

9 November 1997

A new way to warm up to Spokane

Culver, A new way to warm up to Spokane, 1997

Culver, A new way to warm up to Spokane, 1997

Culver, A new way to warm up to Spokane, 1997

18 November 1997

For a change, try dressing up for a night out

Peterson, 1997

Peterson, 1997

Peterson writes that there is a new grass-roots movement slowly gaining support.  Dressing up when going out.  "It used to be that a lady never went out of the house without gloves."  Others complained that no matter what the event, people in Spokane wear jeans.
At Patsy Clark's restaurant, the banquet coordinator says they are in a particularly unique predicament:  "We are a four-star fine dining establishment, but we do not have a dress code because it's important to us that our customers feel comfortable while enjoying an evening out."
Whether it's a play or the Spokane Symphony, jeans seem to be the apparel of choice.  It it's a truly formal occasion you'll see jackets worn with the jeans.
This propensity toward denim is linked to our frontier heritage.  Or, the middle age Baby Boomers continue to prefer the easygoing clothing of their youth.
We need to start showing the children that jeans are not always the right choice in clothing.  Peterson advocates that women wear a dress to a restaurant once in a while.  Men to choose a suit.

28 November 1997

Too lazy for haute couture

Presta, 1997

In response to the Peterson article, above.

5 December 1997

This New Years' Eve

Patsy Clark's 1997


Fifty years after Mary Clark dies 1948, the mansion continues as a private residence -- For roughly the first fifty years after the Clarks passed on [1998] the Mansion was used as a private residence (Patsy Clark Mansion, n.d.)

25 March 1998

Carriage house to become bridal chapel

Bartel, 1998

The carriage house was the separate building behind the Clark home that once held the dairy cow and the Shetland pony for the children, and the driving horses for the Clark family.  Which later became apartments to generate income.  Now, the owners Niles and Senescall will convert it into a bridal chapel. 
This will restore the interior to its original configuration, and will accomodate up to 150 wedding guests.  The owners have spent more than $150,000 upgrading the property.
When we got here two and a half years ago, it had been a restaurant for 15 years, but the roof leaked, the paint was gone, and the landscaping looked like the Adams family lived here.
I would love to see photos of weddings done in the Carriage House Bridal Chapel

22 October 1998

Stately Old homes being put to modern uses

Prager, Stately Old homes being put to modern uses, 1998

While this article is not specifically about the Clark Mansion, it describes some of the travails of owning an historic monument.

27 October 1998

Clark Mansion keeps its ghosts hidded from hunters

Clark, keeps its ghosts hidden from hunters, 1998

Restaurant well-known for its spirits by Doug Clark
Apparently, seven people, including a professional psychic, spent a night inside the Patsy Clark Mansion looking for ghosts.  This endeavor was initiated by the columnist Doug Clark.  The seven included Gardner the psychic, Jeff Sparks the general manager, Sherry Moe the creative consultant, the Spokesman-Review photographer and Doug Clark.  Two others were tagging along just for fun.
They made it out alive.
"If ever a house was worthy of a Stephen King novel, this is it."
Over the years, many who have lingered in the mansion ... came away with a laundry list of tales
Bones in the basement.  Ghosts who wander the hallways.  Candles that won't stay lit.  Doors that slam mysteriously.  A ceiling that drips for no reason ...
Housekeepers have been so freaked out they left and won't return.  A dishwasher became very upset at what he saw.  
Rose Rhoades describes herself as the "resident ghost manager."  She is the one who discovered water dripping over the bar.  They placed a bucket under the drip, went upstairs to find the source of the leak.  They found nothing.  But the bucket had several inches of water, and the ceiling plaster was beginning to pucker and stain.  They called the manager, who thought they were playing a sick joke on them.  Because he found completely dry and intact plaster, absolutely dry as a bone.

Ghost Stories continues

Clark, Ghost stories as much of a draw as food, 1998

In 1997, the bookkeeper was alone on the second floor when she felt an eerie presence.  When she turned, she saw a woman in a white peignoir (see below) facing her, with a hand on the railing.  "She was watching me, but I could see through her.  It was like she was partially transparent."  
Another relates how every candle that she'd lit on the empty second floor dining room went out after she'd left.  She lit them a second time, and when she returned once again to the room, they were all extinguished.
At another time, a loud crash sent two workers up to the second floor to find every door and cupboard blown open.  
The night of the ghost-hunt, the bar fireplace flue was choked up, sending smoke from the fire into the room.  They just could not get it to work.  Employees finally carted the smoldering logs outside using silver serving trays.  After which the pianist plays "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes."
In 1982, two days before the restaurant opened, a couple of workment found a pair of ancient high-buttoned women's shoes in the dirt floor.  Along with a couple of suspicious bones.  The manager saw them as a potential public relations nightmare.  The workers got rid of the evidence, and continued laying concrete on that dirt.
That is sad, actually.  Today, they could probably run some DNA testing to find the owner.  It could be dog bones, too.

Time for Intellectual Interlude

peignoir is pronounced pen-WAH (or is the best I can come up with).  You can hear what the word sounds like by visiting How To Pronounce website, here.

The female ghost was in a white peignoir, according to the witness.  Let's find out what that is.
According to Wikipedia, it is from the french word for a long outer garment for women.  It is frequently sheer, and made of chiffon or another translucent fabric.  The images below are from Wikipedia

A 3-piece peignoir set of nylon and chiffon, about 1960s
1906 example from Wikipedia

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes on youtube, here.  My favorite version is sung by the Platters!

17 December 1998

A Cut Above

Guilfoil, A Cut Above, 1998

This article is specifically about the architect, Kirtland Kelsey Cutter.  The cool thing about this is that the huge photo is of the Clark Mansion, and the detail on the lower left of the article explains some of the features that I'd wondered about.  I will include that detail below.

Guilfoil, A Cut Above, 1998

Guilfoil, A Cut Above, 1998

This last portion talks more about Cutter, explains that he was the primary influencer defining the California Style -- a hyprid blend of Mission, New England Colonial and Mediterranean.
He never gained the national recognition and lasting reputation enjoyed by some of his peers.  Those who became famous tended to write their manifestos.  Louis Sullivan (born four years earlier than Cutter) and Frank Lloyd Wright (born seven years after Cutter) are two such examples.  Cutter didn't write.  Cutter just built.


Mark and Monty Danner, also owners of the Clark House at Hayden Lake, Idaho, purchased the restaurant in November 1999 (City of Spokane, 2005).

3 November 1999

Patsy Clark's sold

Kelly & Jacobson, Patsy Clark's Sold, 1999

The caption under the photo by Shawn Jacobson says that Mark and Monty Danner are the new owners, and pose with Chef Fees and Manager Jeff Sparks.  They hope to bring back the upscale atmosphere at Patsy Clark's in Spokane.
Writer Leslie Kelly says "It's been the source of juicy speculation on the restaurant grapevine for months, but now it's a done deal:  Patsy Clark's Mansion is under new management.
Monty Danner also operates the Clark House on Hayden Lake, Idaho.  Danner refused to admit just how much he paid for the restaurant (which sold for $1.2 million in 1995, just four years earlier).
In 1995, Chuck Quinn sold Patsy's to Niles, Niles and Senescall.  Less than a year later, Senescall became the sole owner, running it for four years.  During that four years, personnel changes and price hikes and more casual dress has changed things a lot.  But apparently, Sennescall was not really a restaurant type person.  

Kelly & Jacobson, Patsy Clark's Sold, 1999

Danner, in contrast, has considerable experience turning historic places around, including the Clark House in Hayden Lake.  Danner's first action was to bring back Chef Fees, who was chef at the Clark House for two years.  
Better food.  Formal black-and-white uniforms.  "This is a special-occasion place and we're going to run it like the finest facility in Spokane, in the Northwest."
They will continue with lunch and dinner daily, but work without cocktails or wine for about three weeks.

4 November 1999

If new owner Monty Danner does for Patsy Clark's ....

Oliveria, 1999
If new owner Monty Danner does for Patsy Clark's what he did for the Clark House on Hayden Lake, things are looking up for my favourite Spokane eatery.

11 November 1999

The Former Chefs of Patsy Clark's

Cafe Roma, 1999

7 December 1999

For Spokane fans, there's an afghan

Wille, 1999

For Spokane fans, there's an afghan that features the Patsy Clark Mansion, Loof Carrousel, Spokane Falls and the Clock Tower as well as eight other landmarks.  The all-cotton, 50-by-65-inch lap warmer comes in three colours, cranberry, blue and hunter green, all with a cream background.  It's a project of the Spokane chapter of the P.E.O. Sisterhood, and the $40 price supports the group's educational programs and local charities.

P.E.O. is, according to their website https://www.peointernational.org/, a philanthropic organization where women celebrate the advancement of women; Educate women through scholarships, grants, awards, loans, and stwardship of Cottey College and Motivate women to acheive their highest aspirations.

I have tried to find a photo of an afghan.  As of March 2020, I don't find one for sale, nor can I find an image of it online.  I have contacted the Washington State PEO on facebook, perhaps they can help me.

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Bartel, F. (1998, March 25). Carriage house to become bridal chapel. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved January 24, 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Cafe Roma. (1999, November 11). The Former Chefs of Patsy Clark's. Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

City of Spokane. (2005, December 2). Patsy Clark Mansion. Retrieved December 13, 2019, from Historic Preservation Department: https://web.archive.org/web/20060709175611/http://www.historicspokane.org/SpokaneRegister/patsyclark.htm

Clark, D. (1996, February 25). Cigar sisters are banding together by Doug Clark. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Clark, D. (1998, October 27). Ghost stories as much of a draw as food. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved January 24, 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Clark, D. (1998, October 27). keeps its ghosts hidden from hunters. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved January 24, 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Craven's Coffee. (1996, July 26). Look for Craven's Coffee at Patsy Clark's. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Culver, N. (1997, November 9). A new way to warm up to Spokane. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Dixon, F. (1997, March 9). Katherine Dixon obituary, great granddaughter of Patsy Clark. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 12, 2020, from Obituary: The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Guilfoil, M. (1998, December 17). A Cut Above . (Ancestry.com) Retrieved January 24, 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Guitar, J. (2018, June 12).  Roger Miller -- "Trilers for Sale or Rent".  Retrieved March 2020, from Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uawZErc3Lhc

Kelly, L., & Jacobson, S. (1999, November 3). Patsy Clark's sold part 1. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Business: The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Kelly, L., & Tinsley, J. (1997, September 17). At home at the Clark House part 1. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Kelly, L., & Tinsley, J. (1997, September 17). At home at the Clark House part 2. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Oliveria, D. F. (1999, November 4). If new owner Monty Danner does for Patsy Clark's. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Hot Potatoes: The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark Mansion. (n.d.). Patsy Clark Mansion. Retrieved December 13, 2019, from Patsy Clark Mansion: https://www.patsyclarks.com/

Patsy Clark's. (1996, January 4). When was the last time you had lunch at Patsy Clark's -- Under New Ownership. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1996, January 8). Thanks Spokane -- new local owners say Thank You For Your Acceptance and Patronage. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1996, January 19). Patsy's Early Week Dinner Spectacular, upcoming Wine Tasting Dinner, Cigar Smoker's Dinner. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1996, January 26). Patsy's Early Week Dinner Spectacular -- Upcoming Special Cigar Smoker's Dinner. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1996, February 12). Patsy Clark's -- When only a Mansion will do. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1996, February 16). Dining Skills presented by Merrily Bjerkestrand. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1996, February 16). Patsy's Early Week Dinner Spectacular, Upcoming Powerhouse Red. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1996, March 1). Lunch at Patsy Clark's -- SouthWest Chicken. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1996, March 5). Lunch at Patsy Clark's -- Fresh Broiled Washington Ling Cod. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1996, January 26). Patsy's Early Week Dinner Spectacular -- Upcoming Special Cigar Smoker's Dinner. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1996, August 30). Historic Labor Day Weekend at Patsy Clark Mansion. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1997, December 5). This New Years' Eve. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Peterson, S. S. (1997, November 18). For a change, try dressing up for a night out. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Prager, M. (1998, October 22). Stately Old homes being put to modern uses. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved January 24, 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washngton: Newspapers.com

Presta, N. J. (1997, November 28). Too lazy for haute couture. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Letters to the Editor: The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Staff. (1996, January 24). Du jour Scroggie cooks his way to the top, with recipe. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Staff. (1996, October 11). Chef Scroggie has left Patsy Clark's. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Staff. (1997, April 16). Patsy Clark's Brunch for Mother's Day. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Wille, C. (1999, December 7). For Spokane fans, there's an afghan. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Inland Northwest Life: The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

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