11 September 2020

Patsy Clark's Restaurant part 6.1 1990s, 1990-1991

Patsy Clark's Restaurant Part 6.1 1990s (1990-1991)


13 January 1990

Don't Blow it, It's Your Birthday

Patsy Clark's, 1990

27 March 1990

Local restaurants win little respect

Vink, Local restaurants win little respect, 1990

Well, that's too sad.  According to official critics, Spokane eateries didn't make the list at all.  But, According to the readers' choice, Patsy Clark's won the best wine list category.

4 April 1990

Browne's Addition gazebo opens

Vorpahl & Pelle, 1990
Vorpahl & Pelle, 1990

The gazebo in the park in Browne's Addition is ceremoniously opened.  The Spokane Falls Brass Band played John Philip Sousa marches, and women wore period dresses to recreate the original bandstand's opening in 1891.

5 April 1990

Don't Blow It, It's Your Birthday

Patsy Clark's, 1990

11 May 1990

Take mom out for food and flowers

Baldwin, Take mom out for food and flowers, 1990

The folks at Patsy Clark's Mansion in Browne's Addition won't be providing a special menu because their usual offerings are so popular.  In fact, the Mother's Day brunch ... is sold out.  But they will be giving the mothers flowers ....

18 May 1990

Award Winning & Fun

Patsy Clark's 1990

31 May 1990

Protesters picket fund-raiser at Patsy Clark's

Camden, Protesters picket fund-raiser at Patsy Clark's, 1990

Politicians who get labor support shouldn't support non-union restaurants, the leader of the local restaurant union said as she set up a picket line in front of Patsy Clark's restaurant.  The union pickts protested a fund-raiser for County Commissioner Pat Mummey at the Browne's Addition restaurant.
They stationed a photographer across the street to get pictures of people crossing their picket line.
The union has been trying to organize workers at Patsy's for about two years ... and isn't getting any help from owner Tony Anderson.
"It's not me they need to be talking to.  It's the employees," he said.
... Democrats from the Legislature have fund-raisers scheduled at Patsy's, and pickets would be embarrassing ....

4 June 1990

Pickets exceeded right

Michael, 1990

In a Letter to the Editor, Carol Michael of Deer Park writes:
"I would hazard a guess that employees of Patsy Clark's probably have better wages and benefits than do their union member counterparts.  Why else has the union for two years been unsuccessful in organizing them?"

13 June 1990

Officials dictated to by unions

Mullenix, 1990

In a Letter to the Editor, Larry E. Mullenix of Mead writes
I could not help but be astonished when I read the article about the union picketing Patsy Clark's Restaurant.  Does the union also tell these people [elected officials] where to buy their clothes, groceries and what colour socks to put on in the morning?
I only have one little vote, but I value it highly and will not be using it on someone who is pushed around by unions or any special-interest groups.

Now Demos know what's eating pickets

Camden, Demos know what's eating pickets, 1990

The restaurant workers union picketing of Patsy Clark's Mansion during a Pat Mummey fund-raiser last month made Democrats take notice.
Although the restaurant is owned by longtime Democrat Tony Anderson, the union is mad because Patsy's is a non-union shop and Anderson won't help workers organize.  
I thought the employer's obligation was only to allow -- to not forbid -- workers from unioninzing, but not to help them organize?
One democrat fund-raiser at the mansion was cancelled.  Another was moved ... Moved to another non-union restaurant!  Why? -- well, because the two other primo union shops were all booked up.

10 July 1990

AAA finds a handful of diamonds

Vink, AAA finds a handful of diamonds, 1990

Patsy Clark's is one of three local eateries given Four Diamond awards from the American Automobile Association.  
The AAA is starting to rate restaurants this year in the same way that it has rated hotels and motels since 1977.

20 July 1990

Champagne Buffet Brunch

Patsy Clark's, 1990

18 September

Winning wine list

Kelly, Winning wine list, 1990

31 October 1990

This time, the restaurant union had no appetite for picketing

Camden, This time the restaurant union had no appetite for picketing, 1990

Why?  because there are too many pickets going on.  Not enough people to cover them all.

14 December 1990

Patsy Clark's is Giving Away Gift Certificates

Patsy Clark's, 1990


14 March 1991

Two Misconceptions about Patsy Clark's

Patsy Clark's 1991

Hold that thought about the dress code.  
We are going to look at the expensive misconception.
The President's Whiskey Steak is $17.50 -- worth $33.15 today in 2020, as is the Broiled Swordfish [it's been about 50 years since I've eated Swordfish!] and the Rack of Lamb Rosemary (Official Data Foundation, 2020).
I don't know about you, but that seems expensive to me!

5 April 1991

Worth Noting

Vink, Worth Noting, 1991

22 April 1991

Secretary's Week at Patsy Clark's

Patsy Clark's, 1991

25 April 1991

Patsy Clark's Come Dressed as You Are

Patsy Clark's, 1991

The seafood is what has changed.  I'd love to check it out!

10 May 1991

If your mom wants brunch

Baldwin, If your mom wants brunch, 1991

Nothing's too good for mama on Mother's Day ... But if you haven't planned ahead, there's a chance you won't get into the most popular spots for that traditional ritual, the Mother's Day Brunch.

12 May 1991

Clost to Home

Gorseth, 1991

Again, another article about the AAA four-diamond award.

24 May 1991

Patsy Clark's by Lester Smith

Patsy Clark's 1991

This looks like a little poem that Lester Smith wrote.  All in caps.

9 August 1991

Ahoy mate, Red Lobster might locate in Spokane

Vink, Ahoy mate, Red Lobster might locate in Spokane, 1991

Yes, Yes.  This is another case where the headline doesn't match the snippet of information.  This article describes the new menu going on at the mansion.
BTW, because I have future knowlege, I can tell you that Red Lobster does, indeed, pop up in Spokane.

1 October 1991

No historical study done of old house due for demolition

Prager, No historical study done of old house due for demolition, 1991

This is a Cutter-designed house that is slated to be torn down, is obviously of historical value but has never had any study done.

10 October 1991

Fall at Patsy Clark's

Patsy Clark's, 1991

24 October 1991

Thief inadvertently turns stolen purse into time capsule

Clark, Thief inadvertently turns stolenpurse into time capsule, 1991

Cool story here.  A cat went missing.  The tenant living in the Carriage house tore out some plaster, got herself into a tight spot and found this missing purse.  No valuables, but enough personal items to identify the owner as a female journalist at a time when females usually did not venture out in that field.  The purse has been returned to a neice.

31 October 1991

Autumn at Patsy Clark's

Patsy Clark's, 1991

It's True
When you dine at Patsy Clark's you'll dining [sic] in one of the most elegant mansions in the U.S.  Every table is a view table in the mansion.  So why go somewhere else, pay more and hope for a window table?
We have 15 items on the menu for $14.95 or less.  Whether you are in for brunch, lunch, dinner, cocktails or a banquet, formal or informal, no one can take better care of you than Patsy Clark's can.

1 November 1991

Recipe for Toll House Chocolate Chip Pie like the one served at Patsy Clark's

Carnie, 1991

7 November 1991

Patsy Clark's Best Hors d'Oeuvre

Deaconess Medical Center Foundation, 1991

Patsy Clark's restaurant has the best Hors d'Oeuvre in Spokane

20 December 1991

The best places for a quiet holiday drink

Kelly, The best places for a quiet holiday drink, 1991

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Baldwin, L. (1990, May 11). Take mom out for food and flowers. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Baldwin, L. (1991, May 10). If your mom wants brunch. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Camden, J. (1990, May 31). Protesters picket fund-raiser at Patsy Clark's. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Camden, J. (1990, June 13). Demos know what's eating pickets. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved January 24, 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Camden, J. (1990, October 31). This time, the restaurant union had no appetite for picketing. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Carnie, L. (1991, October 1). Recipe for Toll House Chocolate Chip Pie like the one served at Patsy Clark's. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Clark, D. (1991, October 24). Thief inadvertently turns stolen purse into time capsule. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved January 24, 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Deaconess Medical Center Foundation. (1991, November 7). Patsy Clark's Best Hors D'oeuvre. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Gorseth, R. (1991, May 12). Close to Home. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Kelly, L. (1990, September 18). Winning wine list. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Kelly, L. (1991, December 20). The best places for a quiet holiday drink. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Michael, C. (1990, June 4). Pickets exceeded right. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Mullenix, L. E. (1990, June 13). Officials dictated to by unions. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1990, January 13). Don't Blow it, It's Your Birthday 1990. (Ancestry..com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1990, April 5). Don't Blow It, It's Your Birthday, April 1990. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1990, May 18). Award Winning & Fun, May 1990. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1990, July 20). Champagne Buffet Brunch July 1990. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1990, December 14). Patsy Clark's is Giving Away Gift Certificates. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1991, March 14). Two Misconceptions about Patsy Clark's. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1991, April 22). Secretary's Week at Patsy Clark's. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1991, April 25). Patsy Clark's Come Dressed As You Are. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1991, May 24). Patsy Clark's by Lester Smith. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1991, October 10). Fall at Patsy Clark's. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from The Spokesman-Review, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Patsy Clark's. (1991, October 31). Autumn at Patsy Clark's. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Prager, M. (1991, October 1). No historical study done of old house due for demolition. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Vink, G. (1990, March 27). Local restaurants win little respect. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Vink, G. (1990, July 10). AAA finds a handful of diamonds. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Vink, G. (1991, April 5). Worth noting. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Vink, G. (1991, August 9). Ahoy mate, Red Lobser might locate in Spokane. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com

Vorpahl, B. and Pelle, D. (1990, April 4). Browne's Addition gazebo open. (Ancestry.com) Retrieved March 2020, from Spokane Chronicle, Spokane Washington: Newspapers.com


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